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Do you know what is your beliefs and convictions about reality?

Some lessons from the book “Awaken the Giant Within” – Anthony Robbins

The author of the book brings to light the fact that there is a hidden potential in all of us that, most of the time, is not explored. The objective of this book is to show that we have dormant powers and that, if put into practice, they can revolutionize our lives and awaken us to a new consciousness. Learning to understand what drives us to do what we do lies in deeply understanding our subconscious through self-analysis.

Understanding how our subconscious is operating is understanding how our beliefs and convictions are regarding reality. We have limiting beliefs and convictions that prevent us from making any real changes in our lives. Without taking control of this belief system, we can't change this reality.

According to the author, we should focus on mastering the five areas of life:

  1. Emotional Control: everything we do is to change the way we feel. We surrender ourselves over external events that we have no control, failing to take control of our emotions over which we have complete control. It is important to identify through self-analysis which emotions strengthen us and which weaken us.

  2. Physical Control: is it worth having everything you ever dreamed of and not having the physical health to enjoy it? Do you wake up every day energized, full of vigor or in pain? The author shows the importance of obtaining good physical health to feel good and improve your life`s quality, replacing bad habits with good ones.

  3. Relationship Control: create quality relationships and learn to connect with people on the deepest level. No one grows and becomes successful alone

  4. Financial Control: the key is not about hunting, but rather changing convictions and attitudes regarding money in order to consider it as a resource to contribute in the direction you want, and not as an end on itself, or for your own happiness. People fantasize that having more money is the solution to their problems and live hunting it. To shape abundance in your financial, you first need to change what causes scarcity in your life.

  5. Time Control: Masterpieces take time. How many of us really know how to make the most of our time? Time must be our ally and this lesson teaches us how to make true decisions, how to control our desires.

Balancing these five areas is what leads you to take charge and lead a fulfilling life.

What you associate pain and pleasure shapes your destiny. If we associate massive pain with any ‘emotional pattern’ or behavior, we will avoid giving in to that pattern in any way and we will be able to change virtually anything in our lives.

According to Marcus Aurelius, philosopher of Ancient Greece and Stoicism: If you grieve over anything external, the suffering is not caused by the thing itself, but by your own assessment of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any time.”

It is the way we interpret events that determines how we think about ourselves and how we act in the future.

The truth is that we can learn how to manipulate our minds, bodies and emotions, to link pain and pleasure to anything we desire, we are the only specie on the planet capable of doing this.

Example: if you smoke and know that cigarettes are bad for you, you continue smoking because you have conditioned your body to link pleasure to smoking, or because you fear that stopping would be too painful.

What you have to do is link enough pain to the act of smoking and its consequences for health so that you`ll be able to stop smoking naturally, you will discover that this behavior has changed what 'smoking' meant to you.

It is the neuroassociations that we establish in our nervous system and link to our thoughts that really guide us.

We are what we think.

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